Essay 2 – Being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits

5th October 2017

Being a celebrity - such as famous film star or sports personality - brings problems as well as benefits. Do…

Essay 1 – Teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives

5th October 2017

Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life…

Letter Sample #3 – You are due to move into a rented apartment next month

3rd October 2017

You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you…

Letter Sample #2 – Ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late

3rd October 2017

You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write a…

Letter Sample #1 – Write a letter to the course provider to solve the problem

3rd October 2017

You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a…

Speaking Sample 4

3rd October 2017

PART 1: Topic: Travel Q. Do you enjoy travelling? [Why/Why not?]... PART 2: Describe a child you know... PART 3:…

Speaking Sample 3

3rd October 2017

PART 1: Topic: School Q. Did you go to secondary/high school near to where you lived? [Why/Why not?]... PART 2:…

Speaking Sample 2

3rd October 2017

PART 1: Topic: Weekends Q. How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?]... PART 2: Describe someone you know who…

Speaking Sample 1

3rd October 2017

PART 1: Topic: Music Q. What types of music do you like to listen to? [Why?]... PART 2: Describe a…