Writing Task 2 Sample

Essay 373 – The tradition of families living together is disappearing

GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 373

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In many countries, the tradition of families living together is disappearing.

What are the reasons for this trend?
What are the effects on the family and society as a whole?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

The traditional practice of a joint family system, in many societies, is evaporating. This essay will first discuss how the young generation’s ache for freedom and material pleasure contributes towards the nuclear family system and then argue that the trend can have adverse effects on families and society.

A desire for freedom drives young adults to break away from family. They, in fact, want to live independently; hence so as to brook no interference and different opinions the current generation opts for moving out. When adult children and their parents fail to get along well and hold different opinions, single families are formed. In addition to this, this change has been brought about because in this age of consumerism and self-gratification, everyone is in pursuit of material possessions and achievement, and nobody is worried about anybody. This, in turn, helps emerge nuclear families.

However, the effects of this trend on the families and overall society are obvious. Living separately is likely to undermine interpersonal relationships and create loosely family ties, which is a hindrance to building a harmonious society. For instance, in a joint family, grandparents can teach the children manners and etiquette. By living together, in fact, the children can feel an intimate connection with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins; they understand them more and forge a strong relationship. This, in turn, translates into a strong family bond and harmonious society. Conversely, in a nuclear family, this is not possible because they meet occasionally and, consequently shapes an intolerant society due to a lack of camaraderie among members.

To conclude, there is a decline in the number of the traditional extended family because the younger generation wants to relish the freedom from family obligations. However, this can exert many negative impacts on society.

Model Answer 2:

The practice of cohabitation among extended family members is progressively waning in numerous nations. This essay endeavours to investigate the causes driving this shift and assess its consequences on both the family structure and the broader society.

There are several factors contributing to the decline of families living together. Firstly, societal changes have led to increased mobility and individualism. With globalization and advancements in transportation, individuals often relocate for employment or educational opportunities, distancing themselves from their families. Moreover, the emphasis on personal autonomy and independence has shifted the focus from collective living arrangements to individual lifestyles. As a result, many young adults choose to establish their own households rather than live with their parents or extended family members. Economic factors also play a significant role in the diminishing trend of families living together. Rising living costs, urbanization, and limited housing availability often necessitate individuals and families to seek alternative accommodation options.

The effects of this trend are notable on both the family unit and society as a whole. On a family level, the dispersal of family members can weaken intergenerational bonds and decrease emotional support networks. The lack of regular face-to-face interaction may hinder the transmission of cultural values, traditions, and knowledge between generations. Additionally, the absence of shared living arrangements can create challenges in providing care for ageing parents or supporting younger family members.

At the societal level, the decline in families living together can have broader implications. It can contribute to the breakdown of community ties and the erosion of social cohesion. The support networks and social capital traditionally fostered within extended families are compromised, potentially leading to increased isolation and individualism.

In conclusion, the tradition of families living together is diminishing due to societal changes and economic factors. This trend has effects on both the family unit and society at large.

This post was last modified on 27th August 2023 9:24 pm