Writing Task 2 Sample

Essay 35 – Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish

GT Writing Task 2 (Essay Writing) Sample # 35

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.
Why do you think this is happening?
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

Waste management is a big concern today, especially when more than 8 billion people produce a staggering amount of garbage each day. Population rise, the popularity of packaged goods, lack of recycling efforts and our throwaway habits are responsible for an unmanageable amount of rubbish production and the government can take some effective steps to control it.

To begin with, the world population has crossed 7.5 billion and it’s only natural that an increasing population produce more rubbish than ever before. Moreover, these days every product is packaged before it is sold. It is so widespread a trend that common products like bananas and apples are packed individually just to make them look attractive to consumers. The use of plastic, polythene, and many other nondisposable materials makes the situation worse as they are not biodegradable. The increasing use of plastic and polythene and its adverse effects on the environment is a global concern. Besides, recycling is a fancy term for many developing and poor countries where it is thought to be a luxury rather than a necessity. As a consequence, we are producing more waste and threatening our environment. Sadly, our consumerism and throwaway habits are making the situation graver as we like to have all the latest products and discard old ones easily.

The government can take some measures to curb the increasingly high waste production which might be tough to implement but once they are in place, it will bring a promising outcome. First, strict laws regarding the use of plastic and polythene should be implemented. No large companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi should be allowed to sell their products on plastic bottles. This single measure can reduce waste production to a certain extent. Moreover, the government should force every household to separately dispose of recyclable waste from other litter so that the recycling process becomes easier. Finally, the government should run awareness campaigns to educate people about the negative consequences of plastic and its usage.

To conclude, an ever-increasing population and their consumerism habit primarily produce a huge amount of debris each day and it has already become a global concern. It is hoped that the government would take effective measures to control it to reduce environmental degradation.

Model Answer 2:

In this day and age, the waste burden is reverberating and we need to put more effort into effectively recycling the garbage we produce. This essay will suggest that the root cause of this phenomenon is throw-away culture, and then put forward some suggestions for governments so as to decrease the amount of waste generated.

Waste is on the rise by the reason for the throw-away culture. In throw-away culture, goods are manufactured with the philosophy of planned obsolescence. For instance, products such as cell phones, computers, fast fashion items and so forth, are produced with this philosophy in mind. In addition to this, manufacturers most often develop new software to be incompatible with the older gadget. Moreover, they produce trendy fashion items so that shoppers discard their old items and are compelled to buy new ones. Thereby, consumers are forced to discard older hardware, clothes and other items which in turn contributes to the garbage pile. A very good example here is many young college students who discard their computers because new software and games do not support older configurations.

Governments can reduce the growing amount of waste in several ways. First of all, governments can refrain from using single-use items on governments premises. For example, they can eliminate throw-away plastics. Secondly, governments can make a mandatory law compelling restaurant owners to use reusable items, like plates, cups and cutlery for example. Thirdly, they also can make manufacturers of single-use items pay for the waste produced. Last but not least, governments ought to wage an awareness campaign about the significance of not generating trash, through promoting responsible consumerism and fostering sustainability and prevention in every cross-section of society. For example, governments can order a media campaign to raise awareness of biodegradable packaging.

To conclude, stemming the rising waste crisis caused by throw-away culture is one of the major contributors to environmental degradation. However, governments can few effective initiatives, like eliminating single-use items at government buildings, passing a law for mandatory use of reusable items and running awareness ads on media to improve the situation.

Model Answer 3:

In recent years, the amount of rubbish we produce each day has been increasing rapidly. This phenomenon has raised concerns among environmentalists and policymakers who are seeking to find solutions to this problem. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons behind this trend and suggest some measures that governments could take to address it.

There are several reasons why the amount of rubbish produced is increasing. Firstly, our population is growing, and as a result, more people are consuming goods and generating waste. Secondly, the rise of disposable culture, where we use and dispose of items after a single use, has significantly contributed to the increase in rubbish production. Finally, advances in technology have led to the production of electronic goods with a limited lifespan, resulting in a massive accumulation of electronic waste.

Governments can take several measures to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced. Firstly, they can introduce policies that encourage people to recycle and reduce waste. For example, they could offer tax incentives to businesses that use eco-friendly practices and implement programs that encourage households to compost and recycle. Secondly, governments can invest in waste management infrastructure to help ensure that waste is disposed of appropriately. Thirdly, governments could introduce laws and regulations that require companies to reduce their waste output and mandate the use of sustainable materials in their products.

In conclusion, the increase in rubbish production is a concerning issue that requires immediate action. Governments can play a crucial role in addressing this problem by implementing policies that promote recycling, investing in waste management infrastructure, and introducing laws and regulations that encourage sustainable practices. It is crucial that we take action now to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

This post was last modified on 5th June 2023 12:27 pm

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  • In this modern era, the amount of waste we produce is increasing day by day and this is a huge concern. In the following paragraphs, I will shed some light on the causes of the high amount of garbage production and some important steps to control this issue.

    The main cause of increasing waste production is the lack of recycling process. Household and industrialised litter are not properly recycled and are often thrown away. This creates a pile of garbage. Nowadays, cheap plastic bags are used extensively, and we throw these plastic bags after using them only once. This creates a large volume of plastic wastages. Secondly, the population of the world is increasing rapidly and the demands to consume products have also risen. Increasing population means more rubbish production. Industrialisation also contributes to the amount of trash we produce. For example, it is quite obvious that a country with a few million populations creates a small amount of waste compared to a country that has hundreds of millions of population.

    There are numerous steps that the government can undertake to alleviate this condition. For instance, as plastics make 70% of the hoard of garbage, authorities can ban the use of polythene. The government also need to make some strict laws for recycling both household waste and industrial garbage. Furthermore, they can encourage people to clean their environment and build public care centres to make citizens aware of hygienic measures for recycling.

    In conclusion, it is true that nowadays people are producing more garbage than ever before but it can be controlled by some effective actions. In addition, people should be cooperative with the government to resolve this issue.