Essay 357 – Schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent

GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 357

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent.

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [View: Agreement]

It is often argued that schools should provide education on parenting skills to young individuals. In this essay, I will agree with the proposition. Additionally, I will highlight the essential skills required to be a good parent.

Firstly, teaching the quality of good parenting can be highly beneficial for young individuals who will become parents in the future. Providing education on important topics such as child development, health, nutrition, discipline, and communication can prepare them to raise their children in a better way. For instance, schools could integrate parenting education into their curriculum, offering students workshops or courses on child psychology, effective communication with children, and strategies for managing parenting challenges. By imparting these insights early on, individuals can enter parenthood with a solid foundation and the confidence to make informed decisions that positively impact their children’s lives.

Moreover, providing comprehensive parenting education can act as a powerful preventive measure against potential issues such as child abuse, neglect, and other negative consequences that can arise from a lack of knowledge about effective parenting practices. When individuals are well-informed about child development, communication strategies, and proper discipline techniques, they are more likely to handle parenting challenges in a constructive and non-violent manner. For instance, consider a scenario where a young couple is struggling to manage their toddler’s behaviour. Without adequate knowledge about child development and effective discipline methods, they might resort to harsh punishment out of frustration.

To be a good parent, one should possess several skills. First, good communication skills are essential to be able to communicate with children effectively. Secondly, parents should have patience and understanding to deal with their children’s emotions and behaviour. Additionally, parents should have a good knowledge of child development, health, and nutrition to provide proper care to their children.

In conclusion, teaching parenting skills in schools can be highly beneficial for young individuals who are soon-to-be parents. The essential skills required for good parenting include good communication, patience, providing a safe environment, and having knowledge of child development, health, and nutrition.

Sample Answer 2: [Disagreement]

While the idea of teaching young people how to be good parents may seem appealing, I believe it is not a suitable role for schools to take on. Parents and caregivers have the primary responsibility for teaching their children how to be responsible and caring individuals, including how to raise children of their own in the future. Moreover, the skills necessary for effective parenting are diverse and complex, making it difficult for schools to provide comprehensive instruction.

It is undeniable that not every young person will choose to become a parent, so teaching parenting skills may not be relevant or helpful to them. Furthermore, cultural and societal expectations regarding parenting practices can vary greatly, and it is not the role of schools to impose a particular view on all students. For instance, consider a multicultural classroom where students come from diverse backgrounds with distinct cultural norms and values related to parenting. In such a setting, it would be inappropriate for the school to promote a single approach to parenting that may not align with the beliefs and practices of all families.

Moreover, the skills required for effective parenting are also multifaceted and cannot be easily taught in a classroom setting. For example, parents must have strong emotional intelligence to be able to effectively communicate with their children and understand their needs. They must also have the financial literacy to provide for their children’s needs, as well as be able to balance work and family life. Additionally, parents must have a good understanding of child development and psychology to help their children navigate the challenges of growing up. To illustrate, a study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research in the United States found that parenting practices varied significantly by income and education level. The study found that parents with higher levels of education were more likely to read to their children, have more books in the home, and engage in more educational activities with their children. This suggests that parenting skills are strongly influenced by the social and economic context in which individuals live, making it difficult for schools to provide comprehensive instruction.

In conclusion, while the idea of teaching young people how to be good parents may seem appealing, I believe it is not a suitable role for schools to take on. The skills required for effective parenting are multifarious and intricate, making it difficult for schools to provide comprehensive instruction.

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