Essay 422 – Everybody should pay a small amount to help homeless

GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 422

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people opine that everybody should pay a small amount from their income to help people who are homeless or suffering great poverty.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

The proposition that individuals should contribute a portion of their income to support those who are homeless or experiencing severe poverty has generated considerable discussion. I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that such a practice can contribute to social welfare and alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate.

To begin with, sharing a small portion of one’s income to aid the homeless and impoverished can serve as a means of redistributing wealth and fostering social equality. This approach aligns with the principles of social justice, whereby those with more resources contribute to the well-being of those who are less fortunate. For instance, in many countries, governments implement progressive taxation systems that require higher earners to pay more taxes, which are then allocated towards social programs aimed at alleviating poverty and providing housing for homeless individuals.

Moreover, contributing to the welfare of the homeless and impoverished can lead to the creation of a more compassionate and empathetic society. By acknowledging the struggles of marginalized individuals and actively working towards their betterment, a sense of community and mutual support is fostered. This approach is not only morally upright but also contributes to the overall well-being of society, as it addresses the root causes of poverty and homelessness, rather than merely addressing the symptoms.

In conclusion, advocating for a small portion of income to be allocated towards aiding the homeless and impoverished is a commendable approach towards building a more equitable and empathetic society. This practice not only helps redress social inequalities but also cultivates a sense of unity and compassion among citizens.

Model Answer 2:

Some individuals advocate for collective responsibility, suggesting that everyone should contribute a small portion of their income to support those in need. I acknowledge the importance of assisting vulnerable populations but believe that to alleviate poverty we need systematic measures rather than relying solely on individual contributions. This essay will delve into the reasons why a more comprehensive approach is necessary and explore alternative solutions to address homelessness and poverty.

Requiring individuals to contribute a portion of their income can be seen as a noble idea rooted in the principles of solidarity and social responsibility. However, relying solely on individual contributions may not be an effective and sustainable solution. The complexities of poverty and homelessness require a systematic approach that encompasses targeted policies, comprehensive social programmes, and adequate funding from government bodies. By placing the burden solely on individuals, we risk perpetuating a cycle of poverty without addressing the root causes and structural issues that contribute to the problem.

Furthermore, a collective response to poverty and homelessness allows for a more equitable distribution of resources and a fairer society. By implementing progressive taxation policies, for instance, governments can ensure that those who are financially well-off contribute more to social welfare programmes. This approach ensures that the burden is shared proportionally, alleviating the impact on individuals with lower incomes while fostering a sense of social justice. By pooling resources collectively, societies can make significant strides in combating poverty and providing comprehensive support to those in need.

Additionally, a comprehensive approach to addressing homelessness and poverty involves not only providing immediate assistance but also investing in long-term solutions. Merely offering financial aid may address immediate needs, but it fails to address the underlying causes of poverty and homelessness. Initiatives such as affordable housing programmes, vocational training, and access to education are essential in empowering individuals and breaking the cycle of poverty.

In conclusion, the idea of individuals contributing a small amount of their income to support the homeless and those living in poverty is well-intentioned but falls short of addressing the multifaceted nature of the problem. A more comprehensive approach, involving government-backed initiatives, progressive taxation policies, and long-term solutions, is needed to combat homelessness and poverty effectively.

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