Essay 104 – High sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising

GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 104

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [Agreement with the view up to a point]

Nowadays, we are constantly inundated with commercials of all sorts. Many people contend that the sales of popular consumer goods are soaring by reason of advertising power and techniques rather than any dire need to purchase them. In this case, although I agree with the view up to a point, I find it hard to believe that this is true in every case.

Over the years, sales promotion has become more prevalent and innovative to attract more customers. In fact, sales promotion is a marketing strategy that stimulates consumer demand for goods and thereby increases sales. For instance, ‘buy one get one free’ is a popular kind of sales promotion where two goods are offered at a price of one, which in turn generates massive sales. Similarly, brand promotion is another important factor that profoundly influences consumers to drive their decision towards buying products. A case in point is the brand ambassador; a company usually employs a celebrity as an ambassador, who embodies the brand, creates a positive image in the minds of consumers, and thereby generates sales opportunities.

Having said that, consumers do not always succumb to the temptation of advertisements. Advertisements only provide consumers with information about the goods. In fact, consumers consider several factors, for instance, price, their necessity and the quality of the product before they make any purchase. Take economic factors as an example. Consumer buying decisions largely depend on the economic condition of a nation or a market. When a country is prosperous, the economy is robust, which in turn increases the purchasing power of the consumers. In simple words, when people experience a positive economic ambience, they gradually grow more confident to spend money on purchasing consumer products. While the scenario for poor people, who form the majority of the world population, is not the same.

In conclusion, it seems reasonable to assume that advertisements sometimes entice people to buy products, but consumer product sales soar as the country continues to prosper.

Model Answer 2: [Agreement]

It is commonly believed that the high sales of popular consumer goods are not driven by the real needs of society, but by the power of advertising. I completely agree with this view, as I believe that advertising has a significant impact on consumer behaviour and decision.

One of the main reasons for this is that advertising creates artificial needs in consumers. For example, advertisers use emotional appeals and clever marketing techniques to make products seem more desirable than they actually are. As a result, consumers feel pressured to buy these products, even if they do not need them. This can lead to a cycle of consumerism, where people continue to buy more and more products in order to satisfy their desire for material possessions.

Another reason for the power of advertising is that it can manipulate consumer preferences. Advertisers often use subliminal messaging and other techniques to influence how people think and feel about certain products. For example, they might use images of celebrities or attractive models to make products seem more appealing. This can create a false sense of value in the minds of consumers, who may be willing to pay more for products that they believe are of higher quality or status.

Finally, advertising can also be used to create brand loyalty. By associating products with positive emotions and experiences, advertisers can create strong emotional connections between consumers and their products. This can lead to repeat purchases and a sense of loyalty to certain brands, even if there are other, more affordable options available.

In conclusion, I believe that the increased sales of popular consumer goods are largely driven by the power of advertising, rather than the real needs of society. Advertising creates artificial needs, manipulates consumer preferences, and fosters brand loyalty. To reduce the influence of advertising on consumer behaviour, governments can regulate the advertising industry, promote consumer education, and encourage sustainable consumption practices.

Sample Answer 3: [Disagreement]

While advertising may have an impact on consumer behaviour, it is too simplistic to say that high sales of popular consumer goods are solely due to the power of advertising. There are several other factors at play, and to ignore them is to oversimplify the situation. In this essay, I will explain why advertisements are not the sole reason for increased sales of goods from different brands and why people’s purchasing decisions are not entirely influenced by adverts.

Firstly, the quality of the products themselves plays a significant role in their popularity. If a product is of high quality, it is likely to sell well regardless of the advertising behind it. Consumers tend to be loyal to brands that consistently provide high-quality products and services, and this loyalty can be difficult to break even with extensive advertising efforts.

Secondly, word of mouth plays an important role in consumer behaviour. If a product is good, people will talk about it, and this can generate more sales than any advertising campaign ever could. For example, the success of popular restaurants often comes from recommendations from satisfied customers rather than extensive advertising campaigns.

Lastly, the societal needs and preferences of a particular culture or region are important in determining which products are popular. Advertising campaigns may be effective in generating initial interest, but if a product does not meet the needs and preferences of the society in which it is sold, it is unlikely to be successful. For example, a product that is popular in one culture may not be as successful in another culture with different values and needs.

In conclusion, while advertising is undoubtedly a powerful tool for influencing consumer behaviour, it is not the only factor at play. The quality of the products themselves, word of mouth, and societal needs and preferences all contribute to the popularity of consumer goods. Therefore, it is an oversimplification to suggest that high sales of popular consumer goods are solely due to the power of advertising.

One Comment to “Essay 104 – High sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising”

  1. Yes, I agree with this fact that oftentimes we are attracted to buy a product for attractive promotions and marketing techniques— this attitude is increasing day by day.

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